Friday, 26 July 2019

Be rid of attachment in your heart

Each one of you must vow today to sacrifice everything to obtain oneness with yourself.

Be rid of attachment in your heart and be ready for the sake of righteousness to jump into the flames and water of life.

Be prepared to burn your very bones, if necessary to secure the public good and righteousness.

Babaji - December 26, 1982

You will have to walk through fire and water!

You all think devotion is fun. Some day you will have to jump without fear of life or death; then you will be able to make progress.

When the time comes, you will have to walk through fire and water.

Babaji - April 6, 1982

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Babaji about the fear of death

Babaji about the fear of death


"When there is a nuclear war and a bomb lands, say in Bombay, all people, including devotees, will die. What do You mean by saving them through the mantra?"

Shree Babaji answers:
The fear of death is born with man, though this is the only thing that he knows is certain to happen to him. Attachment to material things makes man cling to life. When you chant the Name of the Divine, when you are one with the divine, you accept death. While you are attached to life and afraid of death, you die with that fear and that weight clinging to you. If you have attained liberation you are free from death (you accept the inevitable). You die without fear and by remembering the Name of God, your soul leaves the body free of that fear and attachment. If you are reborn, your soul is still free from that fear. If you die in "unity", you are free from rebirth, unless you will it.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Babaji's message

Babaji about his message 
(Truth-Simplicity-Love / Karma Yoga and Japa Nama of Om nama Shivay)


''The creation is vast and them are many doctrines. Adhere to one principle - that of truth, simplicity and love. Live in truth, simplicity and love and practice Karma yoga''.

"To follow and demonstrate the path of Truth, Simplicity and Love is man's supreme duty and the highest Yoga''.


''Karma yoga is the highest form of yoga (mahayoga) and any advancement is done through karma alone''.

''By karma yoga great things can be achieved. You can bring heaven down to earth. You can change the whole of creation''.

''Karma yoga is the highest religious practice of this time and will liberate you. The scriptures declare that at the end of each Yuga only Karma Yoga will help you''.

''Many times I have told you that by karma yoga alone will I give you liberation''.

''I have told you before that there are many kinds of Yogas, but Karma Yoga is of supreme importance. Karma Yoga must come first, then other types of Yoga can be added. In the name of Lord Rama, advance and progress through Karma Yoga.''

''Diligent work is a quality of this path, for laziness is death on earth. Only by work can one claim victory over karma. All must strive to do their duty in the best way possible and not wander from that duty. Service to humanity is the first duty.

''During these times, inhumanity and laziness have increased, so it is important that you work hard and, not lose heart. Be brave, be industrious; work hard and have courage.''

''Until you breathe your last breath, you should not abandon Karma Yoga. Inaction is like death-that is why you must go on working, advancing, and making progress.''

JAPA NAMA (Repettion of God's Name - Om Nama Shivay)

''Of greatest importance is that the repetition of God's name increases daily. In this way, your heart and mind will be purified. Only then will you find God in yourself''.

''The mind can be purified only by japa. This is the only medicine for the disease of the mind. While your mind and heart are impure, how can God live in your heart? The water to clean your heart is the Name of God. So teach everyone to repeat the name of God everywhere''.

''I do not want idle people. Japa does not take the place of karma. Japa and work go together. You must be active in God's work, like King Janaka who ruled his kingdom always with his mantra in his mind. Arjuna fought the Mahabharata battle, constantly remembering God's name''.

''I do not want japa to be a pretext for idleness. Do japa with your work and be liberated. I do not want God's name to be like stagnant, muddy water, but like sparkling, running water. Work and be Light; Repeat God's name. With a concentrated mind always repeat God's name.This "Om Nama Shivay" is like nectar; feed everyone with this nectar''.

''Shri Mahaprabhuji (Babaji) wishes that all words would disappear from this world, except for three - "Om Nama Shivay". This is the original mantra. When Primordial Energy first appeared, the first mantra that She uttered from Her holy mouth was "Om Nama Shivay''.

'.,While working you should always recite the mantra you like; you should always recite the mantra''.

'Go on reciting Om Nama Shivay as much as you can''.

''I do not want japa to be a pretext for idleness. Do japa with your work and be liberated. I do not want God's name to be like stagnant, muddy water, but like sparkling, running water. Work and be Light; Repeat God's name. With a concentrated mind always repeat God's name''.

''Those who repeat Om Nama Shivay, who do righteous, and those who are God - love, will be protected''.

Bhole Baba ki Jai!
Bolo Sri Haidakhandi Bhagavan ki Jai!
Bolo Sri Haidakhandeswari Mata ki Jai!
Jai Maha  Maya ki Jai!

Friday, 1 March 2019



Η ειρήνη θα έρθει μόνο μετά από μια  Κράντι (καταστροφή).

Ο Μπάμπατζι λέει ότι μια Κράντι θα έρθει πολύ σύντομα και,
με το ανοιγόκλεισμα ενός βλέφαρου, θα απλωθεί σε όλο τον κόσμο.

 Αυτός είναι ο λόγος που ο Μπάμπατζι μας προειδοποιεί ξανά και ξανά να είμαστε άγρυπνοι.

Θα υπάρξει καταστροφή στο Πούντζαμπ, στη
Δυτική Βεγγάλη (περιοχές της Ινδίας) και σε μερικές Μουσουλμανικές χώρες.

Μερικές χώρες θα εξαλειφθούν και δεν θα υπάρξουν στο μέλλον. Πολλά μέρη της Αμερικής θα καταστραφούν. Η Ρωσία θα σωθεί.

Μεταξύ του ουρανού και της γης, δεν έχει ξαναγίνει μιατέτοια καταστροφή. Θα είναι εκπληκτική και τρομερή.

Η καταστροφή θα είναι τέτοια που οι άνθρωποι θα πεθάνουν την ώρα που εγργάζονται, κοιμούνται ή στέκονται. Άνθρωποι θα σκοτωθούν από αέρια.

Τα κτίρια θα παραμείνουν αλλά ο κίνδυνος αφορά την ανθρωπότητα. Ο Μπάμπατζι μας υπενθυμίζει να είμαστε προετοιμασμένοι.

Μερικές χώρες θα  χαθούν εντελώς, χωρίς να αφήσουν κανένα ίχνος ύπαρξης.

Περίπου το 3% με 5% και έως το 25%, το μέγιστο, του πληθυσμού θα σωθεί και θα επιβιώσει.

Η καταστροφή θα επέλθει μετά από σεισμούς, πλημμύρες,
ατυχήματα, συγκρούσεις και πολέμους.