Tuesday 30 May 2017

Always strive for harmony in everything you do

"If you are in peace. I am in peace. 
If you get disturbed, I am disturbed. 
If you have problems. I have problems.
Always strive for harmony in everything you do. I am Harmony.

There will always be hills and mountains to overcome on the way to God. Do not be disturbed by the mountain falling down. It is the duty of the mountain to fall down and it is the duty of the soldiers to move the mountain.

Haidakahn Bhole Baba / 12th April 1980

Live in Truth, Simplicity and Love

Live in Truth, Simplicity and Love

29 July 1982

    "... The creation is vast and there are many doctrines. Adhere to one principle - that of Truth, Simplicity and Love. Live in Truth, Simplicity and Love and practise Karma Yoga.

     "This, more than others, is an era (yuga) of great destruction. Man has become enslaved by his lower nature. I have come to guide humanity to a higher path. I do not belong to any particular religion, but respect all religions. I seek the elevation of all mankind. The higher self in people must be developed and enthrallment with the lower nature destroyed. It will be destroyed in countries all around the world by changing the hearts of mankind.

Do you understand? Now that you understand, you must live in Truth, Simplicity and Love and take this message into the world. ..." 

Monday 29 May 2017

He venido a dar la liberación a todos. He venido a dar la luz

He venido a dar la liberación a todos. He venido a dar la luz

En esta obscura edad (Kali Yuga), la mente del hombre es débil e intranquila desde el primer día del nacimiento. Debido a esto, nadie puede ya realizar la auténtica práctica de la meditación, pero todo el mundo puede rezar, repetir y cantar el nombre del Señor, usando cualquier nombre divino que su religión le enseñe.

Sri Haidakhan Bhole Baba

Saturday 27 May 2017

The only religion is humanity.

 "... The only religion is humanity. There must be tolerance and forgiveness. It is our duty to set an example for this. Everyone must be human. Everyone must be courageous, facing the difficulties of life with bravery. Save yourselves and others from the adharma (lawlessness) of the world. Cowardly people are like dead people. I want to create a world of brave people who face life as it comes. We want to save the victims of atrocities and bring them out of their troubles. We want to bring peace not only to one country but to the whole world - our aim is universal peace. ..."

~ Sri Haidakhan Bhole Baba. /  24 May 1983

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Now is the time for the repetition of the name of Hari (God) / GORAKHVANI

Now is the time for the repetition of the name of Hari (God) 

“Give up all the negative karma and keep a firm determination in your mind.
“If you want salvation from Kal (time) come to My shelter, 
then you will liberate and take across all those who are sleeping in this world.
“Strength in yoga is not required at this time;
Strength in penance is not required at this time;
The only strength required is the power of the Name of the Lord.

“I have given many types of knowledge and many teachings.
Now the time for knowledge and meditation is gone, the only
practice left is the repetition of the name of Hari. 

Do not try to churn the ocean, Kamalo, churn your mind instead.
There is nothing outside; everything is in the mind Kamalo.
Inside the mind there is a big ocean of milk and big islands.
Everything is present there and all of creation is present inside
one’s body. 

Always sing the glory of Gorakh and repeat the name of Shiva
with  attention. 

“Keep a firm determination and the Name will take you across the
ocean of this world. Do or don’t do other things, but do Japa
perfectly and this will take you to the heaven of Shiva.

extract from GORAKHVANI (The words of Gorakhnath)
In the Gorakhvani book 
Sri Haidakhan Babaji spoke as Gorakhnath to Vishnu Datt Misra - Kamalo

Shri Babaji with Vishnu Datt Shastriji
In 1976 Shri Babaji made a trip to Nepal with Shastriji and several other devotees. He started to recite versus in the old language of the Sadhu and Yogi's of India.He said that Shi Guru Gorakhnath was speaking through Him. 

It was there that Shri Babaji spoke words of Shri Guru Gorakhnath to Kamalo (Vishnu Datt Shastriji) who noted down this precious message the Lord gave to the world.
It has been lovingly compiled and translated together with Gaura Devi into a small booklet now known as the Gorakhvani.

Mahakhal's wheel / GORAKHVANI

Mahakhal's wheel

Look attentively at Mahakhal's wheel and his strange ways. 
He does not care about beauty 
about old or young age or childhood. 
He just turn his wheel and crushes everybody. 
But whoever repeats the Name of the Lord 
cannot be crushed. 
It'is like in a grain mill,where many grains are crushed, 
but he grain close to the centre 
are spared. 
If one stays close to the centre 
close to the Name of the Lord he will not be destroyed.


extract from GORAKHVANI (The words of Gorakhnath)
In the Gorakhvani book 
Sri Haidakhan Babaji spoke as Gorakhnath to Vishnu Datt Misra - Kamalo

Shri Babaji with Vishnu Datt Shastriji
In 1976 Shri Babaji made a trip to Nepal with Shastriji and several other devotees. He started to recite versus in the old language of the Sadhu and Yogi's of India.He said that Shi Guru Gorakhnath was speaking through Him. 

It was there that Shri Babaji spoke words of Shri Guru Gorakhnath to Kamalo (Vishnu Datt Shastriji) who noted down this precious message the Lord gave to the world.
It has been lovingly compiled and translated together with Gaura Devi into a small booklet now known as the Gorakhvani.

My plan is one of love

"I will build a water hole where the lion and the goat may come together to drink. What I want for you all is unity and an awareness that we are all the same." - April 18, 1980

"Now everyone feels insecure. I want to raise the character of man so high that people as different as the lion and the goat can live together without jealousy or hatred - only in love." -
April 6, 1982

"It is my desire that there be harmony in the universe. My plan is one of love - one where the lion and goat can drink from the same well." - January 9, 1983

Tuesday 16 May 2017

El poder del nombre de Dios /GORAKHVANI

Ahora escucha, escucha. Es por el poder del nombre que Dhruva y Prahalada alcanzaron la meta suprema. No sabían nada sobre el conocimiento o la meditación, ellos sabían solamente el nombre de Hari. He dado muchos tipos de conocimiento y muchas enseñanzas.

Ahora la época para el conocimiento y la meditación se va, la única práctica dejada es la repetición del nombre de Hari. No intentes batir el océano, Kamalo, bata su mente.

No hay nada afuera, todo está en la mente, Kamalo. Dentro de la mente hay un océano grande de leche y de  islas.

Todo está presente allí y toda la creación actual está en el interior; del cuerpo. Canta la gloria de Gorakhnath y repite siempre el nombre de Shiva con atención.


Saturday 13 May 2017

The great revolution is very near!

25 MARCH 1982

The great revolution is very near! There is no one in this world to stop it. This is a time of great destruction.

Everyone must become spiritually strong and courageous. He alone can survive who has spiritual courage. Without spiritual courage, one is dead though he is living.

The time is coming very soon. So that is why you people all must work. And be brave. Everyone must consider himself a humble servant of the world.

Babaji about equality, unity and freedom

3 APRIL 1980

Babaji spoke generally of unity. We are all equal, despite the country we come from, and national differences should be ignored. We are all a unity. We must shed all jealousy and envy because they are harmful. We are all one with each other and with God.

Babaji mentioned the freedom spoken of and promised by politicians. Then He said, in effect: "Theirs is no freedom at all. If you work and are worthy. I shall show you freedom greater than you have ever dreamed about."

 extract from the book Teachings of Babaji

Wednesday 3 May 2017




Full Moon, October, 1982

I was told by a friend about Babaji in 1982 when I was 23 years old. All my friend said was that He was the Babaji mentioned in Yogananda's book and that He was connected to Leonard Orr. I felt such a strong magnetic pull to go and see Him but had no time to learn anything more about Him before I found myself in India.

The first time I had private darshan with Babaji He looked at me and I felt like I was in a tunnel while the world around me disappeared. I felt like I was being seen for who I was in my entirety through the eyes of Absolute Truth. All I could think was, "My God, your eyes!"

I felt fear come up initially because I had no idea what to do around Him. However this did not stop me from going and standing right next to Him because I felt such tremendous love for His Being. He gave me a direct experience of what is spoken of in the Tibetan Book of the Dead and I was shown all the fierce deities mentioned as you often see them portrayed in the mandalas. As soon as I realized that my mind was creating them they instantly vanished and I was once again overwhelmed with love for Babaji. I knew that I had known Him forever.

As I stood beside Him I felt His energy field was like that of the biggest nuclear power plant in the universe with such power and destructive potential, but at the same time generating the greatest love there is. I kept thinking that the sun, moon, stars, the wind, the Vedas and everything on Earth are in Him, and I was so drawn to His hair and how it represents the sacred power of the Ganges. As I said, I knew next to nothing about what was proper conduct around Babaji and although I had an overwhelming urge to hug Him I thought I had better not in case it was disrespectful!! I look back on this now and laugh. There is no question that He knows our every thought.

About 3 years ago His energy landed on me like tsunami and now I am so enraptured with Him that He is on my mind constantly. He is the greatest love I have ever known and whenever I look at a picture of Him I call Him "My Beautiful Love". He has visited me regularly in dreams this year and I feel so incredibly blessed to have been with Him while He was in body. May He shine like a diamond in all of our hearts.

Om Namah Shivay
Diane Tylor