Saturday, 25 February 2017

Autobiography of a Yogi’ pulls seeker to Haidakhan Babaji (Part 1)

Autobiography of a Yogi’ pulls seeker to Haidakhan Babaji (Part 1)

Early in year 1975, while reading Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda my attention became mainly focused on the chapters on Babaji. I repeatedly read these chapters with an effort to digest every sentence. I was deeply drawn towards the existence of such a divinity in flesh on the Earth. My faith about the existence of Babaji gradually acquired intensification. My desire to see Babaji became strong when I read the sentence "The one who remembers Babaji with reverence gets immediate spiritual blessings". Often in a state restlessness I prayed to Babaji in my heart “My Lord if you really exist on this earth, kindly grant me your darshan, otherwise this life will be meaningless." Soon I realized that the description of Babaji as given by Paramahansa Yogananda's Autobiography is the description of God taking up a human form. Many Indian spiritual scriptures and writings confirm His existence from times immemorial but His appearance in a physical body on Earth is a matter of time.

One night I had a dream of being with Babaji in some Himalayan region while it was getting dark. Babaji slept in the covered space around a beautiful small temple and I also slept by His side. He covered His body with a shawl and extended it on my body also, the dream ended like this. In Nov. ‘75 I received a letter from Swami Bhavananda Giri of Y.S.S. Ranchi Math to know about my will of following the divine science of meditation as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda in order to find my own spiritual fulfillment. He wrote me because I ordered directly from Ranchi Math most of the books of Paramahansa Yogananda and pictures of Y.S.S. Gurus. Before I could have sent my consent in December 1975, my circumstances took a turn and a situation was created, allowing me to go to Haldwani with Mr K.C.Mathur, a very old devotee of Babaji, to attend an Yagna Ceremony at Khanna farm at Haldwani. I may mention here that prior to this visit, Mr K.C.Mathur never disclosed anything about Babaji to me and he always maintained silence about his previous visits to Hairakhan.

We travelled with Sri Munirajji in his jeep from Patel Chowk (Haldwani) up to Khanna farm, the place of the Yagna Ceremony. Without any known reason, tears were falling from my eyes till I reached that place. We entered in a large tent with a large gathering, including many Sadhus and many people from far off places. Recitation of spiritual songs was going on there. In front of us at some height there was a decorated Asan for Babaji. Some time after, amidst the slogans "Bhole Baba ki jai, Bhole Baba ki jai", we saw Babaji coming into the tent. After sitting on his Asan for some time, He got up and sat on a thatch heap outside the tent. We all prostrated before Him and offered fruits and flowers we had purchased in Haldwani. I was deeply shaken and became speechless on seeing a saint, whose age appeared 20-25, with his long, partially copper-colored hair. His beautiful face with calm and dark eyes had a radiance never to be seen in human beings. “He should be Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj”, this thought immediately came in my mind. In the winter sunshine, as I saw Him, He looked so beautiful that I fail in all my capabilities to describe Him . The first thing I perceived on looking towards Him was "He knows me and I know Him". At this time, pointing towards me with His lotus hand, He called me near and told me to associate myself with a group of 4-5 people sitting at some distance. One of the persons in the group was Mr Harish Pandya from the U.S.A., another an Italian lady, and two others. Mr Pandya asked me if I have ever read Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. On my replying 'yes', he told me that Babaji before us is Mahavatar Babaji Maharaj Himself and told us that Babaji has united all of us here as we were brothers and sisters in our past lives. Mr Pandya told me that his beloved Gurudev Baba Ranchor Dass ji Maharaj has directed him to Mahavatar Babaji. Babaji thus answered all that I required through Mr Pandya. After attending Bhandara we took Babaji's blessings with permission to leave on that day. Babaji asked us to come to Haidakhan on the coming Makar Shakaranti day, on 14.1.1976

In the room where I stayed at Haidakhan on 14.1.76, when I entered in the morning after chandan, my eyes were searching for something. Suddenly my sight fell on a white rectangular paper lying in a niche of that room. I took it in my hand and turned it over. It was a beautiful smiling picture of Lahiri Mahashya. I was allowed to get and see the picture because I was searching for something to satisfy myself further. In this way Babaji gave me faith up to the required extent . My dream of seeing Mahavatar Babaji in a physical body materialized in Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham . With the glow of His omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence working at His will in the background of creation, Babaji's divine Leelas always showed the right path to His devotees. There is an amazing resemblance in Babaji's Leelas with or without a physical body.

Bhole Baba ki jai
B.M.L. Saxena

La mejor forma y más fácil de sadhana es Japa nama (La repetición del nombre de Dios)

“La mezcla de Verdad, Simplicidad y Amor, y el nombre de Dios, es una ‘comida muy sabrosa’. Esta combinación hace feliz a Dios.

La mejor forma y más fácil de sadhana es  Japa Nama. La repetición del nombre de Dios, junto con la fe y la devoción, conduce a la felicidad más grande.

Repetir el nombre de Dios con cada respiración es la mejor manera de hacer Karma Yoga. Esto crea una atmósfera divina.

Toda la riqueza humana y todas las relaciones perecerán, pero el nombre de Dios permanece por siempre. Despierta y olvida todo tu sufrimiento” proclama Bhole Baba


Friday, 24 February 2017



"Everyone should forget nationality; we are one here. This is a universal family. Have no idea of separation of identity; discard feelings of separateness. Serve the people with mind, body, wealth, brain." December 16, 1981

"I do not recognize castes and races. I behold only one humanity. I am working for mankind while here."

June 21, 1982

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Babaji y los que vienen de Occidente a Él

Babaji le dijo a Shastriji que "Los que vienen de Occidente estuvieron en vidas anteriores en compañía de santos y sabios, y nacieron en las sociedades tecnológicamente avanzadas para satisfacer sus deseos, pero luego, cuando su karma es agotado, se sienten atraídos hacia Shri Babaji ".

I Am Harmony: A Book About Babaji
by Radhe Shyam

Monday, 20 February 2017

The Power of Living in Truth, Simplicity and Love ॐ

The Power of Living in Truth, Simplicity and Love ॐ
"The Path of God-Realization is a most difficult one," said Babaji. "Few are those who will walk it. It is as difficult as walking on the edge of a razor. The Grace of the Guru is everything. No knowledge is possible without the Guru, and practicing Truth, Simplicity and Love."

He asserted that by concentrating on these Three principles, one could gain control over mind, body and emotions and attain Spiritual insight. Yet, he cautioned that discovering Truth, Simplicity and Love requires discipline.

"Nothing can be achieved without discipline," said Babaji. "You should have the strong discipline of a soldier. Be a soldier of God, and act with courage and discipline."
~ Article from HINDUISM TODAY with Rhade Shyam

Babaji Appears After A long Search For Him ॐ

 Young Lord Haidakhandi Babaji in meditation

Babaji Appears After A long Search For Him ॐ
An Indian friend from Bombay told me how she first met Babaji in those early days, and how He revealed Himself to her. My friend is a rather westernized, no-nonsense sort of person who had first read Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda in 1959. She felt an intense yearning to find Babaji, and so set out for the Himalayas to find him. She didn't find Him then, and so tried again in 1965 -- still without success.

One evening in 1971, she was sitting with her father by their family altar which was covered with pictures of deities and saints. A relative came to the door and insisted on bringing a Young Guru in to meet the family. My friend had given up on Babaji and on gurus in general by then, and didn't want to meet another one. But her father, ever hospitable, agreed to see him.

The relative came in with a strikingly beautiful youth who walked straight over to the altar and sat down. Looking intensely at my friend, and not speaking, He pointed to a picture on the altar that, most oddly, she had not seen there a moment before -- the small 'line drawing' of Babaji from Autobiography of a Yogi. Then He pointed to Himself. Still silent, He pointed to the picture and to Himself twice more.

Moved to tears, my friend fell at His feet. She'd found Babaji at last. This woman told me, as did other Indian devotees, what Babaji was like in the early years at Herakhan. In 1971 and 1972, they said, He would sit for hours in a lotus pose with his eyes closed, apparently in a deep meditative state. Even when not in meditation he hardly spoke, they said, and then only in monosyllables.

His eyes seemed to 'radiate a light', and often his gaze was so bright and penetrating people couldn't look at him. Photographs of Babaji at this time show a slender, beautifully-featured youth of about twenty, with dark, arresting eyes and a mass of tangled hair. He looked in some photos like a Sioux warrior, and in others like a Madonna.
By Dio Urmilla Neff ~~ Bhole Baba Ki Jai!

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

El Sanatan Dharma, la Religión Eterna.

Babaji no está predicando ninguna nueva religión. Ha venido a predicar la religión que aparece en el momento de la Creación y que es el Sanatan Dharma, la Religión Eterna. Él ha venido a predicar sólo el Sanatan Dharma.

Podemos determinar la fecha a partir de la cual comenzó cada religión. Por ejemplo, la religión musulmana comenzó con Mahoma hace 1.400 años y de esto se da cuenta en sus escrituras. El cristianismo comenzó con el nacimiento de Cristo hace 2.000 años. Antes de que Cristo y Mahoma existieran, el mundo y sus gentes vivían. El Sanatan Dharma se ha seguido durante miles y millones de años, y nadie es capaz de decir el día en que comenzó. Podéis intentar comprender esta religión espontánea de esta forma: el Dharma (la ley de la naturaleza) del fuego es arder, el Dharma del agua es mojar, el aire tiene que soplar. ¿Puede alguien decir en qué día comenzó el fuego a arder, el agua a mojar y el aire a soplar? Nadie puede decirlo.

Sanatan Dharma es como un gran océano. De ese océano, cada país ha cavado canales de acuerdo con sus necesidades y propósitos. Pero los canales no pueden dar la satisfacción total como el océano da bendición total. El Señor está mostrando una visión del Sanatan Dharma que es como un gran océano y ésta es la forma más grande de conocimiento.

Hasta ahora, la gente sólo tuvo conocimiento de sus propios canales. Ahora el Señor nos muestra que no sólo somos burbujas de un solo canal, sino burbujas de un gran océano. Mientras tenemos individualidad, somos vistos como burbujas; cuando desaparecemos, somos uno con el océano.

Enseñanzas de Babaji

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

La importancia de repetir el nombre de Dios (Nam Japa)

...Babaji les habló de la importancia de repetir el nombre de Dios (Nam Japa):

“Todo en este mundo es el nombre de Dios, Su nombre está reflejado en todas las formas. Sólo mediante el nombre de Dios puede el alma humana experimentar la consciencia del Uno. No hay diferencia entre el nombre y la forma. Al repetir constantemente el nombre de Dios, el practicante se convierte en el nombre de Dios. Así la forma de Dios y la forma del que practica Nam Japa se vuelven una. El Nombre es Dios. Con el fin del alcanzar lo más Elevado, lo mejor es practicar constantemente la repetición del Nombre de Dios. Es por ello que las almas realizadas repiten el nombre de Dios. Es la única barca con la que uno puede cruzar las limitaciones del mundo. Es el único camino al gozo espiritual y material. Nam japa ayuda a superar todos los obstáculos” dice Bhole Baba.

Shri Sadashiva Charitamrit